As we look forward to Q2 of 2015, we’ll take a look at the goals and objectives internally for the first quarter of this year. From initial implementation of new A.I. for Infected and Animals, to the Central Economy and more. Q1 had the first appearance of some very important work on the road to 1.0 for DayZ.
- Basic Vehicles
- Central economy (advanced loot distribution)
- New renderer
- New Zombie AI
- Basic stealth system (zombies, animals, …)
- Diseases
- Improved Cooking & Horticulture
- Advanced Anti-Cheat (Dynamic BattlEye)
Basic Vehicles: Praga V3S & Vehicle Simulation
With the first implementation coming in very early on in Q1 – iteration followed throughout the rest of the quarter. Starting from scratch with the physical simulation, the engine and gameplay programming teams paired with the design team brought the first of our basic vehicles to stable branch, the Praga V3S. Looking forward into Quarter 2 – further iteration will allow us to expand into more vehicles, introduce vehicle inventories, and required vehicle maintenance/components.
In addition to the creation of the new physical simulation for DayZ’s land based vehicles moving towards a “DayZ” specific feel to handling, design and programming work progressed on manual transmission support. From both the technical engine side, and player controls and overall system design this will allow us much greater customization of vehicles, as well as a more in depth and immersive experience than with traditional “push W and go fast” vehicle control models.
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