2015년 7월 8일 수요일

What does this mean for you, the average survivor?
  • We’ll be moving forward with initial support for DirectX 11 only, with DirectX 12 support following eventually.
  • Windows XP will no longer be possible, as it is not capable of DirectX 11 support.
    • Windows XP has always been below minimum requirements for DayZ.
  • With a time estimate of approximately 2 months to complete the last required changes for the new rendering module, and support DirectX 11.
  • The initial goal is a 1:1 visual parity with the original simulation tied renderer.
  • Once implemented, the design team will have access to more robust and complex particle effects
    • Systems such as bleeding, fires, flares, etc will receive the proper visual attention they require
    • Volumetric fog will be possible within the world of Chernarus
  • Estimated completion date of support for DirectX 11 is mid to late May 2015.

New Zombie A.I. & Stealth (Infected & Animal)

Fairly early on in DayZ development it was fairly apparent that the existing A.I. we had inherited from previous titles using our original tech base was not going to be able to deliver the infected and animal experience we wanted to deliver. As Q1 for 2015 comes to a close, we’ve been slowly implementing very early versions of entirely new A.I. built specifically for DayZ into experimental branch.  With 0.55 we’ll begin to see early versions of both enter stable branch. Obviously very core to the DayZ experience is stealth when avoiding or approaching both types of A.I., as well as intelligent behavior and navigation.
It is critical to allow the player to both feel like the hunter, and the hunted. Thus work on the A.I. side of the engine during Q1 focused heavily on begining to allow the player to feel as if they could escape the infected using only their wits, rather than brute force – and use that same stealth tactic to hunt and kill wild animals when exploring the vast fields and forests of Chernarus. As 2015 continues and we enter Q2, the existing systems will be iterated upon and expanded to offer an even more immersive and complex DayZ experience.


Central Economy. One of the terms most people are still a bit confused by. The Central Economy is DayZ’s backend control over the quantity, type, location, and region of the item or “loot” spawning system. Work continued on this throughout the entirety of Q1, and the first implementation was seen later in the Quarter on Experimental branch – pushing towards the 0.55 release at the end of the quarter. Moving into Q2 – this system is also tied into server side persistence, item cleanup, and proper item respawning and will be iterated upon frequently.
As we push this system from experimental branch and on to stable, it will allow us fine control over the in game economy, and thus how the flow from the coast to the north progresses. As well as allow us to push players more towards alternative food gathering resources such as horticulture, cooking, and hunting.

New Renderer

One of the longest duration core engine tasks for Enfusion, the base engine technology being developed in tandem with DayZ – is the seperation of the existing legacy renderer from the engine side simulation, and the creation of a brand new rendering module. Critical for the flexibility and life of the Enfusion engine – this task is arguably one of the most paramount technology upgrades for DayZ moving forward, and was much more of a task than we initially expected (having been pushed beyond its intended experimental branch date several times). As Q1 draws to a close we are within weeks of the completion of the module itself, and the analysis of time required to implement the currently used DirectX 9 tech was undertaken.
Internal review has shown that the additional time spent to hook DirectX 9 into the new rendering module is near identical to the time that would be required to add in DirectX 11 support. As the original intent to support DirectX 9 in tandem with DirectX 12 gave way to increased DirectX 12 support within the industry,  the decision was made to ditch DirectX 9 support for the new rendering module and move directly into supporting DirectX 11. As supporting three seperate platforms (DirectX 9, DirectX 11, and DirectX 12) is not feesible, DirectX 11 was the clear winner for the “mainstream” platform target.
As we look forward to Q2 of 2015, we’ll take a look at the goals and objectives internally for the first quarter of this year. From initial implementation of new A.I. for Infected and Animals, to the Central Economy and more. Q1 had the first appearance of some very important work on the road to 1.0 for DayZ.
  • Basic Vehicles
  • Central economy (advanced loot distribution)
  • New renderer
  • New Zombie AI
  • Basic stealth system (zombies, animals, …)
  • Diseases
  • Improved Cooking & Horticulture
  • Advanced Anti-Cheat (Dynamic BattlEye)

Basic Vehicles: Praga V3S & Vehicle Simulation

With the first implementation coming in very early on in Q1 – iteration followed throughout the rest of the quarter. Starting from scratch with the physical simulation, the engine and gameplay programming teams paired with the design team brought the first of our basic vehicles to stable branch, the Praga V3S. Looking forward into Quarter 2 – further iteration will allow us to expand into more vehicles, introduce vehicle inventories, and required vehicle maintenance/components.
In addition to the creation of the new physical simulation for DayZ’s land based vehicles moving towards a “DayZ” specific feel to handling, design and programming work progressed on manual transmission support. From both the technical engine side, and player controls and overall system design this will allow us much greater customization of vehicles, as well as a more in depth and immersive experience than with traditional “push W and go fast” vehicle control models.

Central Economy: Item Quantity

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